Download executable
After clicking the "Get Cali" button, a cali.exe executable file should have been downloaded to your computer. If not, here's the button again:
Cali is excited to meet you! But before that, here's a few things Cali needs you to do...
After clicking the "Get Cali" button, a cali.exe executable file should have been downloaded to your computer. If not, here's the button again:
Move the cali.exe executable to a folder of your choice.
Ex. C:/Users/Name/Documents/Cali/cali.exe
Important: Copy the path to your cali.exe file (not including the filename itself). Then, add that path to your system environment variables.
Check out this quick guide if you are unsure how to do this.
Ex. Following the example from Step 2, the path would be C:/Users/Name/Documents/Cali
Open a new terminal, type "cali" and everything should be working! Check out the Documentation to see everything that Cali can do.
Tip: Cali works best with a terminal like Windows Terminal
For the best experience with Cali, add Cali to your startup apps in order to get a daily notification about your upcoming deadlines.
To do this,
1. Right-click your cali.exe file and select "Create shortcut".
2. Cut (ctrl+x) the shortcut and then press Windows key + R key.
3. Type "Shell:startup" and press enter. This will take you to your startup folder.
4. Now, simply paste (ctrl+v) your cali.exe shortcut into this folder and you are set!